Nils-Arne Kässens, Director of Osnabrücks Museumsquarter, is a jury member of the German Peace Prize for Photography. (Photo: Angela von Brill)

In December we informed you that there are two new categories. The new category “fashion photography” replaces the category “architecture/industry”. And the City of Peace Osnabrück, together with the Felix Schoeller Group, is initiating the “German Peace Prize for Photography” for the first time. The winner will receive prize money of 10,000 euros. A separate six-member jury will select the nominees and the winner.

We introduced our new jury members via Facebook and the press. The response was great! For the Felix Schoeller Photo Award we have added one more person to the jury, because we expect an increasing number of submissions after the experiences of the last years. So far, photographers from 88 countries have already registered! Thereof numerous submitters, who have already taken part in the previous competitions.

We hope that this message will also motivate you to send us new works! We are especially looking forward to the works on fashion photography and the German Peace Prize for Photography!